Players will be able to make the town their own as they take over each of the nine districts, customizing their HQ and criminal empire however they want. The newest Saints Row is serving as a kind of reboot for the franchise, ditching the previous settings and familiar faces in favor of the fictional city of Santo Ileso and a new would-be criminal cohort.

The next entry into the franchise is bringing things back to basics, abandoning the sci-fi silliness of the later installments, and focusing once again on building up a criminal empire. Characteristically a parody of other titles in a similar genre, the Saints Row series started with the rise of the 3rd Street Saints gang as they built their reputation up in the fictional Stilwater, and progressed through to the protagonist becoming the President of the United States facing down an attacking alien empire. Volition's over-the-top action-adventure series Saints Row has had a few entries over the years, with each successive title upping the ante when it comes to the bombastic nature of the games.